50 Powerful Thoughts from the Bestselling Book “Limitless”

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Jim Kwik’s ground-breaking book Limitless became an instant New York Times Bestseller when it was published in 2020. It’s received rave reviews from some of the world’s most celebrated psychologists, coaches, and entrepreneurs, as well as A-list celebrities like Will Smith, Oprah, and Quincey Jones.

So, what’s all the hype about?

Limitless is designed to help us unlock our true potential and change our lives by arming us with the tools to become smarter, more productive, more motivated, more successful, and ultimately, more fulfilled.

The book’s author, Jim Kwik, is a leading brain and memory coach who has spent the last 30 years teaching his techniques at top universities like Harvard, Stanford, and NYU. He’s also worked with many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, including the likes of Elon Musk and Richard Branson, and he’s delivered inspiring talks at Fortune 500 companies around the globe.

Kwik is a firm believer that success isn’t about how smart you are; it’s about how you’re smart. In other words, anyone can learn faster and become more motivated, productive, and successful if they put their mind to it. But how?

Jim Kwik’s Limitless breaks down the path to prosperity into the “Three M’s”; Mindset, Motivation, and Method.

He believes that by flipping your mindset, igniting your motivation, and mastering your method, you can drastically improve every element of your life. You can be richer, smarter, and more productive, and you can also become a better mother, father, brother, sister, and friend, all by following the three M’s. Your potential is truly ‘limitless.’

The three M’s provide the framework, the what, the why, and the how, to become a better version of yourself.

  • ‘Mindset’ (the what) examines our deeply held beliefs about ourselves, our abilities, and our potential, along with our ingrained attitudes and assumptions about the world around us. When we challenge these beliefs, we find that many of them have been false all along. We’re capable of a hell of a lot more than we think we are, and the perceived limits to what is possible exist only in our minds.
  • ‘Motivation’ (the why) is all about discovering our true passions and finding out what makes us tick. Once we know what our passions are, they become the driving force for taking action and the rocket fuel for lasting change.
  • ‘Method’ (the how) is the blueprint for getting the job done, whatever that job may be. This is where Kwiks’s book stands out from many other motivational books out there; he gives us a linear, logical, and systematic approach to achieving any goal in an actionable, step-by-step way.

But there’s much more to Jim Kwik’s Limitless than just the three M’s, and if you’re looking to up your game and become a smarter, more motivated, successful, and happier version of yourself, then I highly recommend you give it a try.

As Kwik himself says, “No matter your age, background, or level of education, you can learn new ways to use your brain. If you’ve been searching for better ways of coping and growing, I’m here to help you fall in love with learning again.”

Powerful Thoughts from the Bestselling Book “Limitless”

If you’re looking for a taste of what Limitless is all about, then here are 50 nuggets of Jim Kwik’s wisdom to set you on the path to success.

“you make mistakes; mistakes don’t make you.”

“Motivation is a set of emotions (painful and pleasurable) that act as the fuel for our actions.”

“Give a person an idea, and you enrich their day. Teach a person how to learn, and they can enrich their entire life.”

“You can learn to unlimit and expand your mindset, your motivation, and your methods to create a limitless life. When you do what others won’t, you can live how others can’t.”

“New belief: There is no such thing as failure. Only failure to learn.”

“Our most precious gift is our brain. It is what allows us to learn, love, think, create, and even to experience joy. It is the gateway to our emotions, to our capacity for deeply experiencing life, to our ability to have lasting intimacy. It allows us to innovate, grow, and accomplish.”

“The purpose of my life had always been to free people from concern. . . . How will you serve the world? What do they need that your talent can provide? That’s all you have to figure out. The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is. Everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart.”

“Life is the c between b and d.”

“All behavior is driven by belief, so before we address how to learn, we must first address the underlying beliefs we hold about what is possible.”

“Reasons that are tied to your purpose, identity, and values will sufficiently motivate you to act, even in the face of all of the daily obstacles that life puts in your way.”

“Contrary to popular belief, like your mindset, motivation is not fixed. No one has a set level of motivation. And when people say they are unmotivated, it’s not completely true. They could have a high level of motivation to stay in bed and watch television.”

“Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.”

“If our mindset is not aligned with our desires or goals, we will never achieve them.”

“Consider your passion, your desired identity, and your values: How can they create the basis for your reasons?”

“Mistakes don’t mean failure. Mistakes are a sign that you are trying something new.”

“In an era of autonomously driven electric cars and vehicles capable of taking us to Mars, our education system is the equivalent of a horse and carriage.”

“The important distinction here is that family is a means value—a means to an end. The end value is actually love or belonging. When we look at our values, we can determine whether the value we’ve stated is an end or whether it evokes something else.”

“We hear the words purpose and goals used frequently in business, but do we really know what they mean and how they are the same or different? A goal is the point one wishes to achieve. A purpose is the reason one aims at to achieve a goal.”

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“If the villain was weak, there would be nothing to vanquish—and no need for the hero to rise to greatness.”

“Perfectionism reduces creativity and innovation,” writes Hara Estroff Marano, editor at large and the former editor in chief of Psychology Today. “It is a steady source of negative emotions; rather than reaching toward something positive, those in its grip are focused on the very thing they most want to avoid—negative evaluation. Perfectionism, then, is an endless report card; it keeps people completely self-absorbed, engaged in perpetual self-evaluation—reaping relentless frustration and doomed to anxiety and depression.”

“If you’re struggling to find the motivation to learn, or to accomplish anything else in your life, there is a good chance you haven’t uncovered the why of the task.”

“What I have come to find over my years of working with people is that most everyone limits and shrinks their dreams to fit their current reality.”

“If you are struggling to reach a goal in any area, you must first ask: Where is the limit? Most likely, you’re experiencing a limit in your mindset, motivation, or methods—which means that it’s not a personal shortcoming or failure pointing to any perceived lack of ability.”

“Do you remember what it was like when you were approaching your teens, and you first started formulating thoughts and opinions independent of your parents? My guess is that this experience was extremely liberating for you and that it might have even been the first time in your life when you truly felt like your own person. What had happened to you, of course, was that your critical faculties had become refined enough to allow you to regularly employ reason to navigate through life. Why, then, would you want to turn this liberating skill over to a device? Think about it: How do you feel when someone tries to impose their thinking on you?”

“knowledge is important, but it is “the performing of some action” that is required to make it powerful.”

“Make this path as procedural as possible. Zig-zagging around the space is likely to be less productive.”

“People will doubt you and criticize you no matter what you do. You will never know your true potential until you break the unfair judgments you place on yourself. Don’t allow other people’s opinions and expectations to run or ruin your life.”

“It’s not your job to like, love, or respect me. It’s mine.”

“I am.” Whatever you put after those two words determines your destiny.”

“Knowing your purpose in life helps you live with integrity. People who know their purpose in life know who they are, what they are, and why they are. And when you know yourself, it becomes easier to live a life that’s true to your core values.”

“Go to the notification settings of your phone and turn off all unnecessary and distracting pings and dings. Do this now.”

“Knowledge × Action = Power”

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

“Notice the difference it makes when you turn knowledge into power.”

“When you say you are defined by a particular action, you are essentially priming yourself to identify with and justify a certain behavior.”

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“If you don’t rise to the level of your expectations, you fall to the level of your training.”

“As the elephant grows, it gains more than enough power and strength to pull out the stake, but it remains tied up by something as inconsequential as a rope and a flimsy piece of metal because of what it learned as a baby. In psychology, it’s called learned helplessness.”

“Your memory is fundamental to nearly everything you do. There’s really no way to unlimit yourself without having a well-trained memory, because memory governs your ability to reason, to calculate possible outcomes, and to serve as a resource to others.”

“Knowing how to change your habits means knowing how to confidently own and manage your days, focus on the behaviors that have the highest impact, and reverse-engineer the life you want.”

“Here’s the truth: Creating the life you want can be scary. But you know what’s scarier? Regret. One day we will take our final breaths, and not one of other people’s opinions or your fears will matter. What will matter is how we lived.”

“Have you ever had a “gut feeling”? That moment when you just knew? If you’ve ever “gone with your gut” to make a decision or felt “butterflies in your stomach,” did you ever wonder why that was? Hidden in the walls of the digestive system, this “brain in your gut” is revolutionizing medicine’s understanding of the links between digestion, mood, health, and even the way you think.”

“Genius is not born; it’s made through deep practice.”

“My deepest concern is that while education systems around the world are being reformed, many of these reforms are being driven by political and commercial interests that misunderstand how real people learn and how great schools actually work.”

“It’s much easier to start doing something new than to stop doing something habitual without a replacement behavior. That’s one reason why smoking cessation aids such as nicotine gum or inhalers tend to be more effective than the nicotine patch.”10”

“We all have the same purpose: to help other people through our passion.”

“If you’ve been telling yourself all of your life that you are a slow learner, or that you can’t learn, you might start telling yourself “I am a fast and efficient learner” instead. The highest drive we have is to act consistently with how we perceive ourselves—it is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Use it to your benefit.”

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“Finding your passion is not about choosing the right path or finding the perfect professional destiny. It’s about experimenting to see what ignites your joy. Passion comes when we rediscover our authentic, alive self, the one who has been muted and buried beneath a pile of other people’s expectations. There is not a single right path to be discovered or revealed.”

“We used to think that we reached our neurological peak in late adolescence, after which our brains never changed—other than to deteriorate. We now know that this is far from the truth. Our brains have the capacity for neuroplasticity, which means that it can be changed and shaped by our actions and by our environments. Your brain is always changing and molding itself to your surroundings and to the demands you place on it.”

“Block out at least 15 minutes each day for reading and put it in your calendar like an important appointment. Commit to making reading part of your daily habit.”

“Small simple steps repeated lead to habits. Our habits are a core part of who we are. Various studies have shown that somewhere between 40 and 50 percent of what we do every day is the product of a habit. That means that half of our lives are governed by what scientists term automaticity. This percentage might sound high to you—it certainly did to me the first time I heard it—but consider how many things you do every day without really thinking about them.”


I hope you enjoyed these powerful and inspiring thoughts from Jim Kwik’s internationally bestselling book, Limitless.

If you’ve not yet read it for yourself, I highly recommend that you give it a try. After all, we all want to be the best version of ourselves, and if Kwik is right, the only thing standing in our way is our own mind.

What were your favorite Limitless quotes? Do you have any more nuggets of Jim Kwik wisdom to share? Drop me a comment in the box below, and let’s level up together!

Bonus Read:- 50 Walt Whitman Quotes (Author of Leaves of Grass)

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