8 Maquita Donyel Irvin Quotes {Updated List}

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Maquita Donyel Irvin is a storyteller and currently resides in Washington, D.C. She is the author of ‘Stories of a Polished Pistil: Lace and Ruflles.’ She loves art and words and is very self-expressive, which led her to become a writer.

I have compiled 8 beautiful quotes by Maquita and also provided their meanings.

8 Maquita Donyel Irvin Quotes

Have a look at the 8 Maquita Donyel Irvin quotes!

“She was completely whole and yet never fully complete”

She was completely whole and yet never fully complete

Through this, Maquita Donyel Irvin beautifully captures the essence of a person’s journey in life. It suggests that a person can be strong and self-sufficient, possessing a sense of wholeness within themselves.

Yet, they may still feel a sense of incompleteness because life is an ongoing, evolving experience. We are constantly growing, learning, and changing, which means that our sense of “completeness” is always shifting.

This quote reminds us that it’s okay not to have it all figured out as long as we continue to embrace our journey and remain open to the possibilities that lie ahead.

“The depths of her thoughts will have you never wanting to surface for air…”

The depths of her thoughts will have you never wanting to surface for air...

This quote describes the captivating nature of a person’s inner world. It suggests that engaging with someone’s thoughts and emotions can be so profound and mesmerizing that it feels like diving deep into an endless ocean.

The more you explore their mind, the more you’re drawn into its depths, and you might find yourself reluctant to return to the surface for the ordinary demands of everyday life.

It celebrates the depth and complexity of human thought and connection, highlighting the magic that can occur when we truly engage with someone on a profound level.

“It is strange to both fit in everywhere and belong nowhere, to never feel completely at home outside of your own skin”

It is strange to both fit in everywhere and belong nowhere, to never feel completely at home outside of your own skin

The sentence poignantly encapsulates the complex experience of feeling like an outsider, even when you blend in seamlessly with various groups or settings.

It’s a paradox of being a chameleon – adapting to different environments while carrying an underlying sense of not truly belonging. This quote speaks to the profound feeling of never being entirely at ease outside of one’s own self.

It reminds us that the quest for acceptance and connection can sometimes lead to a deep yearning for genuine belonging, a place where one’s authentic self is not only accepted but cherished.

“I spoke to him in poetry And instead of mocking a tongue he couldn’t understand he took time to learn my language”

I spoke to him in poetry And instead of mocking a tongue he couldn’t understand he took time to learn my language

It beautifully illustrates the power of empathy and connection. Speaking to someone in the language of poetry symbolizes a unique, personal way of expressing oneself.

In this context, it represents vulnerability and authenticity. When someone makes an effort to understand this “language,” it signifies a deep willingness to connect and empathize.

Rather than mocking or dismissing what they don’t comprehend, they invest time and effort to bridge the gap.

This quote celebrates the beauty of genuine human connections, where individuals embrace and appreciate each other’s uniqueness, fostering meaningful relationships based on understanding and respect.

“Protect your time Protect your space and grow beautiful things there Forbid any ungrateful, thoughtless and/or unworthy toes from trampling through your garden”

Protect your time Protect your space and grow beautiful things there Forbid any ungrateful, thoughtless and/or unworthy toes from trampling through your garden

This is a powerful reminder to prioritize self-care and personal boundaries. It emphasizes the importance of guarding your time and personal space, treating them as precious resources.

Just as you tend to a garden, nurturing it to make it beautiful, you should do the same for your life. This means not allowing people who are unappreciative, inconsiderate, or unworthy of your time and energy to disrupt your peace and growth.

It encourages you to be selective in your relationships and commitments, choosing to invest in those that bring positivity, love, and value to your life, ultimately leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

“Unearthing fragile or broken parts of one’s past is not denying the nourishment that too existed It is not denying the beauty nor the countless blessings that were also given…”

Unearthing fragile or broken parts of one’s past is not denying the nourishment that too existed It is not denying the beauty nor the countless blessings that were also given

The quote speaks to the importance of acknowledging and healing from our past, even when it includes moments of fragility or brokenness.

It highlights that revisiting and addressing these difficult parts of our history doesn’t negate the positive experiences or blessings we’ve encountered along the way.

It’s a reminder that life is a tapestry of both struggles and joys. By confronting our past and working through its challenges, we can better appreciate the beauty and blessings that coexisted.

In doing so, we cultivate resilience, allowing us to move forward with a deeper understanding of ourselves and a greater capacity for gratitude and happiness.

“The prepared meal is far more appetizing that its raw beginnings there’s a lot of fight that goes into the happy ending”

The prepared meal is far more appetizing that its raw beginnings there’s a lot of fight that goes into the happy ending

It underscores the idea that the journey, with all its challenges and efforts, adds flavor to the destination.

Just as a cooked meal is more appetizing than its raw ingredients, our achievements are sweeter because of the struggles and hard work that precede them.

Life’s trials and tribulations are the necessary ingredients that transform our dreams into reality.

This quote encourages us to appreciate the process, reminding us that it’s the “fight” and perseverance that make our happy endings truly satisfying and meaningful.

Embracing the journey with determination and resilience enriches the taste of our successes.

Fantasy like thought that no man could rain Just let her reign Run wild with her unafraid Of any rain storms They only wash the mud away and make way For double rainbows and sunny days.

Fantasy like thought that no man could rain Just let her reign Run wild with her unafraid Of any rain storms They only wash the mud away and make way For double rainbows and sunny days

In Maquita Donyel Irvin’s words, there’s a powerful message of resilience and optimism.

The “fantasy-like thought” she describes is a mindset where one believes in one’s ability to overcome challenges and remain unshaken by life’s storms.

To “let her reign” is an invitation to embrace your inner strength and individuality without fear. Irvin suggests that facing difficulties head-on, much like rainstorms, can be cleansing, washing away the hardships, and paving the way for brighter days ahead.

The mention of “double rainbows and sunny days” symbolizes the rewards of enduring adversity, illustrating that perseverance can lead to even greater joy and beauty in life.


Quotes are beautiful memories of a particular book or person. I hope this article on Maquita Donyel Irvin quotes was helpful to you. Go through the quotes and understand the profound meanings they hold.

Which one is your favorite quote? Tell me in the comments!

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