20 Jeffery Deaver Quotes (Do Checkout!)

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The international best-selling American author, Jeffery Deaver, is a mystery and crime writer. The author’s books have been sold in 150 countries and translated into 25 languages.

Jeffery is among the most well-known and immensely popular authors with more than forty novels and has been on bestseller lists worldwide.

In this article, I have shared 20 Jeffery Deaver quotes and their meanings. Have a look and remember his incredibly written books!

20 Jeffery Deaver Quotes With Their Meanings

Check out the 20 Jeffery Deaver quotes and their meanings.

“She was reflecting back on a truth she had learned over the years: that people heard what they wanted to hear, saw what they wanted, believed what they wanted.”

“She was reflecting back on a truth she had learned over the years: that people heard what they wanted to hear, saw what they wanted, believed what they wanted.”

The character here weighed a valuable lesson gained through time: individuals tend to interpret information in a way that aligns with their desires.

This wisdom revealed how people selectively listen, observe, and accept based on their personal preferences.

It highlights the human tendency to filter reality through the lens of one’s desires and beliefs, shaping one’s perception of the world.

It reminds us to be mindful of our biases and seek a more balanced understanding by considering different perspectives. This insight urges us to be aware of our natural inclination to hear, see, and believe what suits us, fostering empathy and open-mindedness.

“Sometimes you can’t be what you ought to be, you can’t have what you ought to have.”

“Sometimes you can't be what you ought to be, you can't have what you ought to have.”

This quote reflects the harsh reality that life doesn’t always allow us to become who we aspire to be or attain everything we desire. It acknowledges the limitations and obstacles that can hinder our dreams and ambitions.

It’s a reminder that despite our best efforts, circumstances may not always align with our wishes. However, it also carries a message of acceptance and resilience.

While we may face disappointments and setbacks, it’s essential to adapt, find contentment in what we have, and continue striving for personal growth and fulfillment, even when faced with life’s constraints.

“And life changes. Maybe just a little, maybe a lot. And at some point, it just isn’t worth the fight to fix it.”

“And life changes. Maybe just a little, maybe a lot. And at some point, it just isn't worth the fight to fix it.”

It captures the essence of life’s constant evolution. It acknowledges that change is an inevitable part of our journey, whether subtle or profound. Sometimes, the effort to hold onto what once was becomes too laborious and hopeless.

It speaks to the idea that there are moments when we must recognize that the past cannot be fully restored or the present rectified.

Instead of persisting in an uphill battle, there’s wisdom in embracing the flow of life, letting go of what’s beyond repair, and redirecting our energy toward new opportunities and growth.

It reminds us that accepting change can bring peace and allow us to move forward with grace.

“We have years to converse with someone, to blurt and rant, to explain our desires and anger and regrets – and oh how we squander those moments.”“We have years to converse with someone, to blurt and rant, to explain our desires and anger and regrets – and oh how we squander those moments.”

“We have years to converse with someone, to blurt and rant, to explain our desires and anger and regrets - and oh how we squander those moments.”“We have years to converse with someone, to blurt and rant, to explain our desires and anger and regrets - and oh how we squander those moments.”

It highlights the preciousness of time in our relationships. According to us, we have enough time to communicate our thoughts, emotions, and aspirations with others.

However, it laments the unfortunate reality that we often misuse these opportunities. We might speak without thinking, vent without restraint, or fail to express our true feelings until it’s too late.

It serves as a reminder to cherish each moment of connection, communicate with mindfulness and love, and make the most of our time with our loved ones, ensuring that our conversations are filled with understanding, empathy, and genuine connection.

“That’s the past for you. Not only does it come back at the most unexpected, and inconvenient, times but it’s set in stone.”

“That's the past for you. Not only does it come back at the most unexpected, and inconvenient, times but it's set in stone.”

Here, it is stating the essence of the past – it has a remarkable way of resurfacing when we least expect it, often causing inconvenience.

It emphasizes that once the past has unfolded, it becomes unchangeable, like words etched in stone. This reminds us that our actions and decisions, once made, cannot be undone.

It reflects the importance of being mindful of our choices and actions because they become a permanent part of our history. It also urges us to make peace with the past, as dwelling on it can disrupt our present and future, and instead focus on making the best choices moving forward.

“It’s becoming apparent that I like bad boys. That’s one of my problems. They’ve all been bad boys. You’re one too. You’re a bad boy. But, I think you’re a good bad boy.”

“It's becoming apparent that I like bad boys. That's one of my problems. They've all been bad boys. You're one too. You're a bad boy. But, I think you're a good bad boy.”

This reveals a personal insight into a preference for unconventional or edgy romantic partners. The speaker recognizes a pattern in their attraction to “bad boys,” individuals who may not conform to societal norms or have a rebellious streak.

Despite this inclination, the speaker makes a nuanced distinction, describing the person they’re addressing as a “good bad boy.” This implies that while the individual may have some traits associated with the “bad boy” image, they also possess redeeming qualities that make them a more positive presence in the speaker’s life.

It’s a reflection on the complexity of human attraction and the ability to see beyond stereotypes, acknowledging that people are multifaceted and can surprise us with their true character.

“Everything in the past is memory and everything in the future is imagination. Those’re both illusions – memories are unreliable and we just speculate about the future. The only thing that’s completely real is this one instant of the present – and that’s constantly changing from imagination to memory. So, see? Most of our life’s illusory.”

“Everything in the past is memory and everything in the future is imagination. Those're both illusions – memories are unreliable and we just speculate about the future. The only thing that's completely real is this one instant of the present – and that's constantly changing from imagination to memory. So, see? Most of our life's illusory.”

The quote suggests that our past is nothing more than a collection of memories, which can often be unreliable and distorted. Similarly, the future is a realm of imagination, where we can only speculate about what might happen.

The only undeniable reality is the present moment, constantly shifting from an imagined future to a remembered past.

This insight leads us to recognize that much of our existence is based on illusions – the past and future are constructs of our mind, while the present is our only tangible and authentic experience.

It encourages us to focus on the here and now, appreciating each moment as it unfolds.

“In the shaded portions where the two spheres of different lives meet, certain fundamentals- moods, loves, fears, angers- can’t be hidden. That’s the contract.”

“In the shaded portions where the two spheres of different lives meet, certain fundamentals- moods, loves, fears, angers- can't be hidden. That's the contract.”

It beautifully illustrates the intersection of two separate lives, highlighting that some essential aspects of our humanity are impossible to conceal in the shared spaces of our connections.

These fundamental emotions – our joys, affections, anxieties, and frustrations – naturally surface when we engage with others. It’s a reminder that there’s an unspoken agreement in our relationships, whether fleeting or lasting.

This contract implies that our core emotions and vulnerabilities will eventually be revealed despite differences or attempts to mask our true selves, forming the basis for understanding, empathy, and genuine human connection. It underscores the authenticity that arises when we allow our shared emotions to bridge the gaps between us.

“People with children and people with their own business always pick up a ringing phone.”

“People with children and people with their own business always pick up a ringing phone.”

The sentence illuminates the strong sense of responsibility that individuals with children or their own businesses often carry.

They are more likely to answer when their phone rings because they understand the urgency and importance of staying connected. For parents, it reflects their unwavering commitment to their children’s well-being.

In the case of business owners, it underscores their dedication to the success and continuity of their ventures.

It conveys the idea that certain life roles come with a heightened sense of duty, making them more attentive and responsive to the demands of communication, showcasing their prioritization of family and livelihood.

“But then someday the truth would come out. It always did. Repress what you will, someday the truth comes out.”

“But then someday the truth would come out. It always did. Repress what you will, someday the truth comes out.”

It reminds us of the inevitability of truth’s revelation. It suggests that no matter how hard we try to suppress or conceal it, the truth has a way of emerging, often when we least expect it.

It serves as a cautionary reminder that dishonesty or attempts to hide the reality of a situation are ultimately unsustainable. The passage of time and the persistence of circumstances will eventually unveil what has been hidden.

It encourages us to embrace honesty and transparency as enduring values, recognizing that facing the truth, however uncomfortable, is ultimately more reliable and liberating than attempting to mask or deny it.

“The human creature is so astonishing, but count on it before anything else to be just that-a creature. A laughing animal, a dangerous one, a clever one, a scared one, but always acting for a reason-a motive that will move the beast towards its desires.”

“The human creature is so astonishing, but count on it before anything else to be just that-a creature. A laughing animal, a dangerous one, a clever one, a scared one, but always acting for a reason-a motive that will move the beast towards its desires.”

It highlights the fascinating complexity of human beings while emphasizing our fundamental nature as creatures. It acknowledges our diverse qualities – our capacity for laughter, the potential for benevolence and harm, intelligence, and vulnerabilities.

However, it underscores that beneath this complexity, there’s always a purpose guiding our actions. Every behavior is driven by a motive, a desire that propels us forward.

It’s a reminder that despite our intricate emotions and actions, we are fundamentally driven by our needs and wants, making us inherently relatable and understandable.

In essence, it highlights the universal drive to pursue our aspirations, no matter how different our paths may seem.

“I needed somebody without any preconceived ideas. But I also needed somebody with a mind of her own.” The contradictory qualities we seek in that elusive perfect lover. Strength and vulnerability, in equal measures.”

“I needed somebody without any preconceived ideas. But I also needed somebody with a mind of her own.” The contradictory qualities we seek in that elusive perfect lover. Strength and vulnerability, in equal measures.”

It beautifully captures the paradoxical qualities often sought in an ideal partner. It highlights the desire for someone to be open-minded, free from preconceived judgments or biases, allowing for a genuine and unburdened connection.

Yet, it also recognizes the importance of a partner with a strong sense of themselves, opinions, and individuality.

The delicate balance between strength and vulnerability emerges as a central theme. It suggests that the perfect lover embodies both the strength to stand firmly alongside us and the vulnerability to share genuine emotions and experiences.

In seeking this equilibrium, we hope to find a partner who complements and enriches our own life journey, offering understanding and support while maintaining their uniqueness.

“You think publishing is tough but the music world is ten times tougher.”

“You think publishing is tough but the music world is ten times tougher.”

This quote draws a comparison between two challenging industries: publishing and the music world. It suggests that while publishing can be demanding and competitive, the music industry presents an even more formidable challenge.

This observation highlights the immense difficulties musicians and those involved in music face, such as fierce competition, rapid changes in technology, and the ever-evolving tastes of the audience.

It underscores the notion that success in the music world often requires an extraordinary level of resilience, dedication, and talent, making it an even more daunting path than the already tough field of publishing.

Ultimately, it reminds us of the significant hurdles artists and professionals must overcome to thrive in their respective fields.

“As a matter of fact, yeah, they were foolproof. The problem is that you don’t have to protect yourself against fools. You have to protect yourself against people like me.”

“As a matter of fact, yeah, they were foolproof. The problem is that you don't have to protect yourself against fools. You have to protect yourself against people like me.”

The quote reflects that the most robust plans and precautions are sometimes designed to protect against the wrong threats. The speaker acknowledges that their own cunning and calculated actions can pose a greater danger than simple foolishness.

It serves as a reminder that not all challenges come from naive or reckless individuals; often, the most significant risks stem from those with intent, strategy, and the ability to outmaneuver others.

It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the true nature of threats and adjusting our defenses accordingly, highlighting the need to guard against calculated actions and cunning intentions as much as, if not more than, simple foolishness.

“I’m not your proverbial worst nightmare because nightmares aren’t real and I am more real than anybody wants to admit.”

“I'm not your proverbial worst nightmare because nightmares aren't real and I am more real than anybody wants to admit.”

This conveys a powerful message about the tangible reality of the speaker’s existence, contrasting it with the imaginary and fleeting nature of nightmares.

By stating, “I am more real than anybody wants to admit,” the speaker emphasizes their undeniable presence and impact. It serves as a reminder that some challenges and difficulties in life are not mere illusions or temporary fears; they are concrete and enduring.

The quote challenges the idea that the worst fears are only in our imagination, suggesting that some harsh truths and formidable obstacles are very much a part of the real world.

It encourages us to confront and address these realities rather than denying or avoiding them.

“as old as we may be in flesh, we are always young in the bone”

“as old as we may be in flesh, we are always young in the bone”

It acknowledges that while our physical bodies may age and show the wear and tear of time, the vitality of our inner selves remains forever youthful. It suggests that the spirit represented metaphorically as “the bone,” retains its freshness, curiosity, and resilience regardless of the years that pass.

This insight reminds us that age is not merely a measure of time but a state of mind. It encourages us to embrace the enduring youthfulness within us, nurturing our sense of wonder, adaptability, and passion for life, regardless of the wrinkles and graying hair that may appear on the surface.

“Family is about love and affection but about friction and separation, too. Yet, with work and luck, the distances—geographic and emotional—can be shrunk, even made to vanish.”

“Family is about love and affection but about friction and separation, too. Yet, with work and luck, the distances—geographic and emotional—can be shrunk, even made to vanish.”

This quote highlights the multifaceted nature of family dynamics. It states that family bonds are not just about love and affection; they can also involve disagreements and physical or emotional distance.

However, it carries a message of hope and resilience. It suggests that these distances, whether physical miles or emotional divides, can be bridged and ultimately eliminated with effort and good fortune.

It underscores the idea that family relationships, like any others, require work, patience, and understanding to thrive.

Acknowledging both the challenges and the potential for reconciliation it inspires us to value and nurture our family connections, understanding that with dedication and a bit of luck, we can overcome obstacles and strengthen the ties that bind us.

“It’s a tough life, she’d said. “It’s the little things that get us through the day.”

“It's a tough life, she'd said. "It's the little things that get us through the day.”

Here, it talks about the difficulties we face but emphasizes the significance of small, everyday joys. In the midst of tough times, it’s often the little things – a kind word, a moment of laughter, a small act of kindness that provides solace and keeps us going.

These tiny moments can serve as beacons of hope and sources of comfort, helping us navigate the hardships we encounter.

It reminds us that even in the toughest of circumstances, finding and cherishing these small pleasures can make the journey more bearable and meaningful, highlighting the resilience of the human spirit.

“If they were expected,” she shot back, “then they wouldn’t be breakthroughs, now would they?”

“If they were expected,” she shot back, “then they wouldn’t be breakthroughs, now would they?”

It cleverly points out the essence of breakthroughs and innovation. It suggests that true breakthroughs are unexpected by nature. They wouldn’t be groundbreaking if we could anticipate them; they’d simply be part of the existing knowledge or routine.

It underscores the idea that genuine progress and innovation often emerge when we venture into the unknown, taking risks and exploring uncharted territory.

This insight reminds us of the importance of embracing uncertainty and being open to surprises because it’s in those unexpected moments that we often discover the most remarkable and transformative ideas, advancements, and solutions.

In essence, it celebrates the power of the unexpected in shaping our world.

“Inspiring isn’t the same as plotting.”

“Inspiring isn’t the same as plotting.”

It draws a clear distinction between inspiration and deliberate planning. It highlights the fact that being inspired by something or someone is a different concept from actively plotting or strategizing.

Inspiration often arises spontaneously, sparked by moments of creativity or external influences. It’s the initial spark of an idea or a feeling that motivates us.

On the other hand, plotting involves intentional and calculated actions to achieve a specific goal.

This quote reminds us that inspiration can be a powerful force, but it is just the beginning.

To bring ideas to fruition, we need planning and action. It encourages us to recognize the difference between being inspired and taking concrete steps to turn that inspiration into reality.


While reading, many meaningful quotes from the book stay with us even after we finish the novel. These quotes act as sweet reminders of the characters and overall story.

I hope this article on Jeffery Deaver quotes reminded you of the author and his works.

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