How to Increase Your Amazon Kindle Book Sales

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You can become a best seller on Amazon, but it will take a lot more than just writing a good book.

There are many other things you need to do to promote your book and put it in front of as many potential buyers as possible.

If you have already written your book and published it on Amazon Kindle, then here are the additional steps you need to take to increase your Amazon Kindle book sales.

How to Increase Your Amazon Kindle Book Sales

How to Increase and Maximize Your Amazon Kindle Sales?

The first thing you need to know is that Amazon has millions of books on its virtual shelves with hundreds more being added each day.

To keep your book from being inundated by the rest of the books published, you need to make it stand out.

These steps will help you do that:

How to Increase Your Amazon Kindle Book Sales

Step 1: Enhance Your Book Description

On Amazon, your book description section will appear under “Editorial Reviews.” Here you can upload flattering text that helps convince people to buy your book.

You can upload a marketing copy for the book, your best reader reviews, and a small author bio. You can make further changes to your book information through this page.

Considering where to read ebooks? Check our Amazon Prime vs Kindle Unlimited!

Step 2: Use the Right Keywords to Describe Your Book

At its core, Amazon is a search engine just like Google. This means that there are some criteria they use when deciding which books to show on their search results page when a customer looks for something to read.

  • Author name
  • Book title
  • Keywords describing the book

In many cases, Amazon will display books with matching keywords that have outsold its competitors. To give your book the best chance to get listed on the search results pages, use the right keywords and ensure all the other describers are in order.

Step 3: Get as Many 5-star Reviews for Your Book as Possible

On Amazon, people tend to make their “buy” decision based on the reviews they see about the item in question. Even if they logged in to buy a different book, they might end up buying yours as well if they like the reviews.

The best way to get as many five-star reviews as possible is to ask people to review your books on Amazon.

In some cases, you might have to give well-known Amazon members free copies so that they can tell the world what they thought of your book and encourage sales.

Step 4: Create an Amazon Bestseller Campaign

How to Increase Your Amazon Kindle Book Sales

One of the best ways to get as many eyes on your books as possible is to join forces with other authors to create a “bestseller campaign.”

This is where you jointly send out an email bulleting to all your customers telling them about a promotion you have on Amazon.

You can offer a reduced price or an additional prize for everyone who buys your books on the promotion day.

With every author sending out the same message, you can end up getting more qualified customers (people who actually buy books) than you had access to earlier.

Step 5: Be an Amazon Associate

As an Amazon associate, you will be allowed to promote other people’s books through an affiliate link for a commission.

Once you become an associate, you can join forces with other authors to do the same for your books as well. This way you are promoting different books across your common audiences thus increasing your chances of making sales.

Additionally, you get a commission for every sale the others make.

It takes some creativity and constant work to ensure that you are making as many sales as possible on Amazon Kindle.

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How to Increase Your Kindle Book Sales

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