Anna and the French Kiss - Book Review

Book Review: Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Anna and the French Kiss is a phenomenal debut YA novel from Stephanie Perkins. It walks the line between hilarious and emotive, hysterical and hard hitting. If you’re looking for a story that grabs at your heart and holds it with incredible characters, a beautiful setting and many a near miss, you’ll find a home in this story. After many a Tumblr recommendation of this novel, I picked it up in Waterstones and set myself down to read.

If I was Your Girl - Book Review

Book Review: If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo

This is one of those books that is very hard to forget. While I had some issues with this book, and at times found it a little predictable, it doesn’t much matter. This is one of those books that matters because of what it talks about: in particular the issues presented to teen trans girls in a world that isn’t ready for them.

A door to nowhere - Book Review

Book Review: A Door to Nowhere by @madelinestanford

Having read Like Hell by Madeline Stanford some time ago, I was expecting this story to be good, and it didn’t disappoint. The story is centred around Aurora, whose Grandmother predicts the dates on which the pair of them will die. When her Grandmother’s prediction for her death date comes true, Rory starts a countdown to her own death and starts trying to live life to the full.

Book Review: Leslie’s Study of Femininity by @justlyd

No one can resist a woman that can kick ass, and Leslie in Lydia Carr’s story is one of those ladies. She may not be a soldier, or a warrior, but she’s a woman that is unafraid to say what she thinks, and I’m totally in love with her. That’s why I’ve read this story no less than three times.

Book Review: Vanilla by @leigh_

Everyone loves a good seaside romance, and Vanilla is among one of the best. Meet Flo – forced to go and live in sleepy Walden-on-Sea with her Gran when her sister, Nora, gets a flat with her boyfriend. After her parents died in a car accident, Gran and Nora are all the family she has left.